ZM Says … “Don’t listen to morons and idiots”

Hello my friend,

So you have a dream. You have a goal you’d like to accomplish. And in your exuberance you “announce” your intentions to those whom you think are on your side.

After doing so you get applause. Or criticism. Either way, once you’ve let the word out you feel drained. You feel depleted. All your enthusiasm vanished.

You may wonder “what happened?”

Well, to put it bluntly, you got your FLOW blocked. The people you talked to don’t really want to see you succeed. It’ll make them look bad if you do.

Despite their smiles and “that’s great” commentary – they derailed you. And why shouldn’t they. You made the mistake of thinking their advice was sound. Yet, unless they’ve already DONE what you’re attempting to do, they should not be on your list of advisors.

Over 15 years ago I coined a phrase: “Don’t take seks advice from a eunuch.” The advice applies to all categories though.  Not just seks.

How often is this principle of talking to the wrong people violated? MOST of the time by MOST people. Hence, the reason for so much frustration and failure.

Many people have the misguided notion that you should be an open book with those who are closest to you. You should tell your spouse all your goals; same goes for your family.

Not true. Spouses and family are two of the biggest flow blockers in existence. You’re better off doing the thing, succeeding, then showing off your prize. Nothing before. No talk. No approval seeking before action. Just go, go, go.

Some erroneously classify this advice as “hiding” or “lying.” I have a more positive slant. I call it “secretive  success conditioning.”

Think the non-hiding way is better? Okay, show me the fruits of your labor. Oh, you don’t have any. Okay, so when you going to stop operating the way others “guilt” you into acting.

Want to stop drinking, smoking, drugging – don’t tell your friends who want to continue on doing the same. Just remove yourself from their company and begin a new life. No explanations necessary. No one to please. Just get on with your new pattern of living.

Once you realize that most people on earth will consciously or unconsciously try to hold you back – you understand that you better get clear on WHO you can talk to and who you cannot.

As a “neg busting” Zen Master, I consider it my passion to help others break out of victim-mode and be the REAL YOU who truly wants to express himself in this world. Freely. Unencumbered. Unfettered.


So sayeth the ZM.

Be still – and flow. 

Matt Furey

P. S. More of the above in my all-new FLOW SEMINAR CDS.

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