Zen Master Coaching

We’ll clean the negative energies out of your home, office and life – and replace them with positive vibrations that open you to the higher-level experiences you’ve been longing for!

Dear Friend,

Boy, do I ever have some good news for you.

Along with two extraordinary “allies,” Bob and Betsy, we’ve created a “coaching” program unlike anything else ever offered in the history of the whirld.

Unlike other coaching programs, wherein you receive advise, most of which you do not follow, despite your best intentions, our program is vibrationally different. Instead of offering advice that you would love to follow but can’t (for some reason), we go to the root of your problems (they’re not ‘issues’), and remove your blockages for you.

We make you aware of what was standing in your way, what was affecting your energy, what was blocking you from being in THE FLOW. It could be negative memories from the past that you haven’t released. It could be “friends” or family. It could be others who energetically wish you misfortune. It may even be that your home or office space is filled with all sorts of negativity and it affects your ability to focus in a major way.

You may even have addictive behaviors or patterns that keep you from being your authentic self – and thereby keep you from enjoying the success you’ve always dreamed of having, but just weren’t able to create.

Imagine the unimaginable for a change. Imagine different. See and feel what life would be like for you if you weren’t blocking yourself in any way, and no one else was blocking you either.

“Neg Busters” is the “cutting edge” of psycho-spiritual training. And now, we are putting this program before YOU, because chances are excellent that you want to get back to being the YOU that not only has the ability and talent – but also the focus, the drive and the determination to become what your heart truly desires.

Additionally, I’ll have a private call each month with one of you to go over where I am and what I can do to keep my life FLOWING in the right direction.

As part of this program, you’ll receive one private session per month, wherein we work with you to take you to the next level. During these sessions, by phone or by Skype, you’re going to learn and/or experience more about:

• what has been blocking you – then note how we fix it for you

• putting protective energies around yourself

• tapping into your intuitive and psychic abilities

• staying relaxed and calm under pressure

• learning to access your spiritual guides

• making good decisions in your business, career and so on.

• and much, much more.

Having a team of advisors who not only mentor you, but help keep your field clean is HUGE. It’s never been offered in the history of the world. But it is being offered to you NOW. I suggest you jump on it. In fact, the Zen Master Says, “Take this program seriously. Get involved and see your life change for the better.”

Interested? Then fill out the information request form as seen below and hit the “submit” button. Look forward to speaking with you about this program very soon.

Be Still and Prosper,

Matt Furey