ZM says – “Einstein only half-right”

Hello my friend,

You’ve probably heard the Albert Einstein quote on insanity. If not, here tis:

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

He was right on.

Yet, there’s always more to the story. There’s always a different view or perspective.

Let’s start with my definition of sanity to gain more clarity:

“Sanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a similar result.”

From a Psycho-Cybernetics point of view, the quote above is also correct. Most people fail to look into what they did when they were at their best. They don’t take time to consider what they were thinking, feeling, hearing, seeing and doing.

When you take the time to discover when you were at your best, you tap into a reservoir of invisible powers that help guide you to many more positive experiences.

Here’s another way I like to address the definition of sanity:

“Discovering what works and doing it over and over again so you can obtain similar results that lead to mastery.”

This approach is uncommon as most  people constantly change and do things differently just for the sake of change or to combat boredom.

This is just as insane as continuing to do the same things that don’t work over and over while hoping for an improvement.

Then there’s another detail. Perhaps you’re doing the right things over and over again and the results haven’t appeared yet. Does this mean you’re insane to expect a different result?

No. It means you need to spend more time doing the right things over and over until the results you seek manifest.

No one would say watering and giving sunlight to the apple seed you recently planted was the wrong action because the tree hasn’t appeared with apples on it yet.

The same is true with sanity leading to mastery. You find out what it takes to win from someone who’s achieved the type of results you seek, then you follow what he thought, felt and did.

As you do this, in most undertakings, you’d be insane to expect different results in mere moments.

At the same time, when you add the energetic and mental components to the physical – now that, my friend, can accelerate results so quickly others may think you “insane” when you tell them what happened.

In this case, probably best to “zip the lips.”

Be Still – and Flow,

Matt Furey

P. S. I’m back in Tampa. Arrived at midnight. Had a tremendous trip. More details forthcoming.

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